28 October 2013

In which I need a new loaf pan

Today, I baked a loaf of bread.

This is not entirely true.  That is, it is true, but not complete.

Yesterday, I made bread dough, and today I baked the loaf.  (If you care, it was more or less this recipe.)  Although the recipe suggests baking it as a baguette, I prefer sandwich bread, so I put the dough into my loaf pan.  My loaf pan is was a cheap non-stick pan from Le Target that I purchased two or three or four apartments ago.  I have made bread in it many times before.  Yeast bread, quick bread, and once an altogether too-exciting loaf of molasses cake.  

For whatever reason, I did not spray the pan with non-stick spray.  Even though I have some.  Even though I know how.  Even though I've had things stick to it before (see the molasses cake incident).  Instead I just sprinkled some flour into the pan.  I do not know precisely what led to what followed.

I popped the bread into the oven and went about my business.  When the apartment filled with the really lovely scent of baking bread, I opened the oven and peered at the loaf.  It looked good.  High, crackly looking top.  It smelled good.  I put on my gloves and pulled it out.  

One technique for determining the done-ness of a loaf of bread is to rap on the bottom of the loaf (maybe with the handle of a wooden spoon).  If it sounds hollow, it is done baking.

But I couldn't get the loaf out of the pan to conduct the test.  I used a wooden bamboo spatula.  (A knife would have scratched the non-stick surface, and we wouldn't want that, now would we?)  It was stuck.  I left it to cool a bit in the pan.  When it was cool enough to touch without mittens, I got most of the bread out, minus the bottom crust.  Then I pried out the bottom crust.  The crumbs were delicious, but I was deeply disappointed that I once again would not have a beautiful sandwich bread.  (This has been an ongoing struggle.)

And then... 
Why is the side of my bread grey and sparkly? Grey and sparkly... like the loaf pan coating....

Long story short, the pan is discolored to match the loaf crust.  I cut off the entire bottom crust of the bread (okay, it was mostly already off).  The inside of the bread is alright.

Now I need a new loaf pan.  

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